Is the small circle of the coils the only place to put substances?
Best placement on small circle. If it is too large, then yes, it can be put in the large circle, but make sure it covers the small circle. For more details, please check the link:https://www.facebo...
Can crystals be charged with scalar energy and if so where would I put them for that?
1. You can use crystals with scalar. Put it on the Transmitter Output Coil. It’s the same as imprinting distilled water. You can carry the crystal around with you to receive scalar energy throughou...
Can filtered pure water helps the body retain the Frequencies?
1. Personally, I feel drinking lots of filtered pure water before a Scalar session can help the body retain the Frequencies sent through it, As water holds memory, your body and all its cells can h...
If anyone could please advice on treating my son’s autoimmune disease?
I had many of the same issues over 20 years ago and it starts in the gut. The antibiotics destroyed my gut. I used to fight pathogens including the EBV (herpes), Lyme, etc and as I got rid of one p...
Is Rife Scalar the same power/effectiveness as Plasma or more?
1. They are based on different working theories. Spooky2 Scalar is a Tesla device that transmits natural scalar energy rather than electromagnetic waves. Spooky2 Plasma delivers frequencies to your...
Anyone has ever tried to send high frequencies to Scalar? For example, set the frequency multiplier value to 5. I am curious what affect may caused?
1. I thought it was said (by JW) that high frequencies will be distorted, and that the maximum frequency modulated through Scalar should be 2 MHz. 2. It would not work as expected. A modulation si...
How do you remove non hits from a BFB scan before you save it?
1. If you don't tick the hits, it will not be saved. Please check the picture. For more details, please check the link:https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2scalar/permalink/469888733584690/
Are you dehydrated when in scalar field for a long time?
1. I was thinking opposite. I have problem w hydration due to Lyme and co and since I been sleeping in my scalar my hydration has improved. 2. I sometimes put a glass of water on the Transmission p...
I just got my scalar kit. When I plug in generator, it doesn’t show the port numbers. Is there something wrong with my equipment?
1. Go to control tab, and you will see the port number. Port number should also be on the generator once they are detected by the software. 2. Don't forget to restart the computer. For more details...
What kind of reactions can be expected using Spooky2 Scalar?
Different people may have different reactions. Let's see what our users say: 1. I feel mentally get much more lined in the chakras. Less stressed, my nails and hair are growing really fast. I slee...