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Latest activity by Spooky2-
Spooky2 created an article, Why it’s recommended to put water to imprint on the transmitter, while substances to transmit molecular information should be placed on the receiver?
The energy flows from the transmitter to the receiver, then back. There is no scalar field until it hits the receiver and then returns back to the transmitter. Therefore, in order to add substance ...
Spooky2 created an article, For biofeedback scan setup, is it normal that the receiver’s red light doesn’t turn on when connected? Also, how can I set the scan to run only for an hour? It kept running beyond three hours last time.
It is normal that the receiver light is not on when doing biofeedback scan, you could find more details in page 6 in this instructions: https://www.spooky2scalar.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Sp...
Spooky2 created an article, I am worried about the Scalar negatively affecting or "erasing" the homeopathic frequencies from the water and alcohol they are in. Can you please tell me if the Scalar field effects the homeopathy near it or in it?"
A scalar field cannot erase homeopathic remedies. Scalar fields, in the context of physics, refer to fields that have a value (magnitude) at every point in space, but no direction. Homeopathic reme...
Spooky2 created an article, What are the best ways to use scalar biofeedback results?When using the Hunt and Kill preset, do I need to run the biofeedback scan every time, or can I save the results for future use?
A general scalar scan takes around half an hour but it could vary on different computers. It comes back with a list of frequencies which is the scan result after it finishes. You can save the scan ...
Spooky2 created an article, Why does the receiver light dim, and sometimes go off, when the boxes are more than 2 feet apart?
Try running the link cable up off the ground. From my experience, it's the link cable earthing out. I ran mine under floor rugs direct on concrete and had the same issue, however when I put some ve...
Spooky2 created an article, I keep hearing we shouldn't share a scalar field with anyone because we could basically 'pick up' whatever diseases etc may be occurring in the other person through the field... is this true? I see many people share a field, use it on groups etc. (thi
Easy to get confused but keep in mind that everything in existence, you, me, trees, glass, everything… is frequency/energy. You are frequency when you drill down to the smallest aspects of yourself...
Spooky2 created an article, Is Scalar more effective for healing compared Gen X Pro remote
1.Different. Scalar helps your cells talk to each other. A lot of people find it useful for sleep. I personally don't, but I think I'm an exception there. The rife machines are frequencies for lots...
Spooky2 created an article, How long will the BFB take and how do you know when it is complete? Does it beep or somehow signal it is finished?
By default, BFB scan will save 10 frequencies most suitable for you. And One frequency runs for three minutes, so running a biofeedback scan result would take 30 minutes. You can set an alarm on yo...
Spooky2 created an article, Why Do Scan Results Differ Each Time?
This is a complex question, and there are a number of reasons why it happens. First is the nature of the terrain you’re scanning – your body. In 1972 and 1977, two different studies assayed the hum...
Spooky2 created an article, Can I use Spooky2 Scalar overnight? Will this giving me "too much" scalar energy?
Yes, you can. Normally it’s suggested to run Scalar for at least 1 hour during the day. You can use pure scalar for overnight treatment. Your body will absorb the energy it needs. If you put drugs ...