A general scalar scan takes around half an hour but it could vary on different computers. It comes back with a list of frequencies which is the scan result after it finishes. You can save the scan result as a program and then run it with Rife Scalar. Hunt&Kill preset begins with a short biofeedback scan. The hits are then run on an allocated generator. In the subsequent scan/run cycles, the previous hits are re-analyzed. Pathogens which are mutated are found and hit again. It does not matter how far the pathogens run. They will be found. And they will become targets. This preset keeps refining the first scan results and runs automatically until it is manually stopped or no hits are detected. It does scan and killing at a time. The total running time is personalized. You can find tutorial video on how to do scalar general scan and hunt and kill from this link: https://www.spooky2scalar.com/how-to-do-scalar-biofeedback-scan-using-hunt-and-kill-preset/
You can refer to instructions on how to save scalar scan results from this link: https://www.spooky2scalar.com/how-to-do-scalar-biofeedback-scan-using-spooky2-digitizer/. This is a tutorial video on how to run scan results using scalar for your reference: https://www.spooky2scalar.com/how-to-run-scan-results-using-spooky2-scalar/. Hope it helps
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