Does the generator still run the program when the computer sleeps after a while?
If your computer goes to sleep, the generator is stuck at the last frequency it received before the computer went to sleep. In the System tab, tick "Prevent Computer Hibernation" to prevent the com...
When applying frequency to scalar using a computer connected to a generator, I wonder if using frequency wobble will work?
Wobble is not supported in stand alone mode. But wobble will work on scalar if you have your GenX connected to the Spooky software. For more details, please check the link: https://www.facebook.com...
What will happen when some bug or mosquitoes get into your scalar field while sleeping?
I don't think a mosquito or bug is large enough to have a significant effect on the scalar field. For more details, please check the link:https://www.facebook.com/groups/spooky2scalar/permalink/475...
When I run Rife Scalar and I put items on the receiver coil, does this interfere with the Rife Scalar? Can these 3 functions work together?
Yes, these three functions can work together. If you have your scalar tuned with biologicals on the input coil, then you will have a scalar field with information embedded.Using a generator on the ...
How to set up Scalar biofeedback scan without a computer?
The computer is what does all the BFB analysis in any form of BFB Spooky2 performs.So there is no method to achieve your goals.The GX generator just takes measurements, and while it has a stand-alo...
Is there a way to record the molecular attributes of a substance on the receiver? Is the software capable of this?
Depends on how you define the record. 1. The substance’s information is not a single frequency, but a complex pattern. The software has no ability to access this information and even if it could, a...
Would there by any benefit to putting a gallon of honey that we use throughout the months to be infused with scalar waves?
When you structure something, the effect spreads, so it doesn’t all have to be on the coil. Just getting part of the honey in contact with the coil will be sufficient. In fact if you had structured...
How to delay the start when I launch the Scalar terrain protocol preset?
You can delay it using the options in the Settings tab in the spooky2 software.In the area denoted with Schedule, there is a Start In x Days, X Hours, X Minutes option.
Can we put water to be structured on the transmitter coil after Spooky2 Scalar has already been tuned? Or does it have to be tuned while the water is on there?
If you are just doing a structuring, you can place it on after it is tuned. It will be done in 3 minutes and does not require more time that this (no additional changes to the water will be measura...
When structuring water with Scalar, does the temperature of the water matter? How warm can I put water on the transmitter?
No, the temperature does not matter.As for how warm is too warm, if too hot it might cause thermal stress to the actual plastics of the coil. For more details, please check this link:https://www.fa...