Can Spooky2 Scalar help with breast cancer?

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Yes. You can try Spooky2 Scalar to help with breast cancer. For pure scalar, you can enjoy overnight treatment to get the benefits of the healing scalar energy. For molecular scalar, you can put some drugs or oils that can help with breast cancer on the receiver coil to get the effects from the substance. You can also run Rife scalar mode to get the both benefits of rife frequencies of scalar energy to enhance the therapeutic effects. 

Here is a blog about how to apply scalar fields:

Let's see what our users say:

Woman around 45 years. 2 years ago had surgery for breast cancer. Did not want chemo or radiation therapy in the hospital. Her wish was to be treated with the Spooky Plasma.

I treated her until mamma CA was no longer to be found in my EAV test. Now after 2 years on a checkup in the hospital they found another tumor at the same breast.

This time another type, hormone sensitive. She is in menopause now so her hormones were out of balance. CT scan and biopsies were not good. Grade 2.

What I did:
1st session (week 1): I took 4 CC of her morning urine (taken with her from home) and mixed it with a tablet of 1000mg Vitamin C. I do not have any chemo substances, but I found on the internet that Vit C is toxic for cancer in vitro and in vivo. Additionally, I took 3 blood samples on a strip of glass for my darkfield microscope.
2 samples were placed on the Spooky2 Scalar. 1 on the sender, 1 on the receiver. After 30 minutes I exchange positions: The treated sample on the transmitter will be the sending now, and vice versa. Session time 1 hour. I completed the session with Spooky plasma and Bicom therapy. The third sample is followed under the scope.

2nd session (week 2): Same as before but without the urine, only blood samples, curcumin, and tamoxifen.

3rd week she went to the hospital for a prescreening for her second surgery. Staff became nervous. Did n..o..t find any tumor any more. They still are planning the operation, because they don’t believe…….. Today she told me her story. We needed a hot cup of tea to come to our senses.

John and Spooky team members
Thanks again for this wonderful instrument.
I am still wondering: what the heaven did happen.

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