My understanding to date about scalar energy is it does what it does best - healing the body. So, why employ other Modalities other than pure scalar?

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Yes, scalar energy can be enough. It infuses your body with energy. Sometimes that's all that's needed, but not always. There may be more that can be done using frequencies.

Scalar is the transmission mode/medium and provides a healing energy field when tuned correctly. Information can modulate the scalar field and Rife healing or pathogen killing frequencies (programs) make Scalar a more effective localized healing system. Scalar Digitizer combined with GenX BFB can perform a whole body scan and provide a prioritized list of frequencies which can be used for killing pathogens.

Scalar can also be used to imprint frequencies into a carrier like water which can be consumed later to enhance treatment. Crystals can also be placed on Scalar and programmed with frequencies as well. Herbs, vitamin supplements and medicines can also be used on Scalar and imprinted into water.

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