Anyone experiences with Spooky2 Scalar for type 1 diabetes?

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I used to fight with diabetes more than 20 years ago. In my case, it improved a lot when I stopped taking my statin drugs.

Based on my Spooky2 Scalar experience, I feel the Scalar can super speed up getting the blood glucose into the normal range. Stress is a major problem for diabetes. Stress uses up all the LDL cholesterol that the body can make and never any left to make the insulin required to prevent diabetes. Animal proteins are acidic in the body however people don’t like giving up their meat. Eggs or fish would be the preferred. The Spooky2 Scalar does something I’ve never experienced before and that is a deep sleep and relaxing the adrenal glands. The person has to understand stress is causing a lot of their problem, and the Scalar will do very good to bring hormones into balance. If the person gets sleepy in the Scalar, they need to fall asleep and not fight it. Initially, on the Scalar they may have so many pathogens in the brain that they may experience headaches for a while when starting on the Scalar. You may even need to stop the Scalar until their body can clean out the dead pathogens and start over. And it will help a lot if they aren’t eating the deep-fried foods, the deserts with grains and dead sugars. Just like the experience with your brother that didn’t want to give up his stress, I find people with a junk diet don’t like to give up eating junk. Alcohol, sodas, and coffee are also hard on the adrenals. It took me a few yrs to get my blood glucose down and I can see with the Scalar I could have done it within a few months. I also had a big improvement when I started juicing raw produce. Again, I wish I had the Scalar back then because it’s the first thing I’ve used that helped me sleep like I was in a coma.

I cleared my diabetes with diet before Spooky2 existed and it worked. But changing the diet was so slow for me. And I later learned that raw fruits and good cold pressed virgin oils were helping not only my blood glucose but also my LDL cholesterol. And once I thought I had everything under control, I got tested when I was under a lot of stress and my numbers shot up.

This is where I find the Spooky2 Scalar really helps. Nothing I’ve ever done before has made deep sleep so easy as this Scalar. When you get a lot of deep sleep, you take care of the overstressed adrenals so your stress level drops. My conclusion from personal experience is that diet & Spooky2 Scalar together should cure most disease including both types of diabetes.

And I add the diet because several have reported their grey hair turning dark only to return to grey when they stopped using the Scalar. I think the Scalar alone would do a lot of stress relief to help both types of diabetes, but if you don’t clean up the diet then diabetes will come back. And you can add some black cumin seed oil to your meal to help fight pathogens in the brain, liver, and pancreas that will help but is not necessary to see big improvements. So again, I’d go for the Scalar to get some deep sleep to reduce the release of stress hormones and change the diet to make better LDL cholesterol. Once this is done, the person may want to work on cleaning up the colon for better nutrient absorption.

For more details, please check the link:


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