Why does the receiver light no longer dim when loading up the receiver biological / substance “resonance plate”?

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After using 20 meters cable to connect the transmitter and receiver, the receiver check light no longer dims when loading up the receiver biological / substance “resonance plate” (forget what it’s called – the round circle). With the shorter cable, the light dims as more small glass vials are placed within the circle. With the longer, cable there is no change in light intensity as it remains very bright no matter what.

A: From my experience, a longer run may allow for more power generated at the receiver. I have gotten a 4x increase over what is at the transmitter.

So for one, you may have more power in the link cable, plenty over the maximum needed to light the LED at full brightness. A small drop in power will not dim it because of the excess power.

When you place water on the transmitter, you alter the capacitance of the system which changes the tuning frequency.

At smaller distances between the boxes, a slight deviation from optimum will have a larger effect on the amount of power being produced at the receiver — a higher chance that you will drop the power levels to dim the LED.

Even in your current configuration, if you placed enough water on the coil you probably could get it to drop.

Update: I removed the small vials and replaced them with a mason jar filled with water and the light dimmed ever so slightly. Not like with shorter link cable but it did dim.

For more details, please check this link:

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