How critical are the transmitter and receiver physical alignment?

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1) How critical are the transmitter and receiver physical alignment?

2) The tuning light values on the transmitter have changed. I believe the past value was generally between 4.45 – 4.55 if that seems reasonable (maybe it was 5.45 – 5.55 I’m having a mind blank). But now with the longer cable, the brightest tuning light illumination happens at either 4.85 MHz and 4.10 MHz. This is puzzling me as I had expected the values to stay in the same “ballpark.”

1) The lids do not need to be aligned at all. The antenna inside the lid is a flat circular design. It radiates the signal in all directions. The facing lids towards each other is to place the coils on the outside of the scalar field.

2) The tuning values will indeed change because you have changed the distance between the boxes. The frequency where the reflection happens on a nodal point to provide the 180-degree phase shift will be different.
My boxes are tuned at 4.35 MHz at a distance of approximately 70 feet or about.
It is possible that with the inclusion of resonant objects between the boxes that the tuning frequency may exist in the lower 5 MHz regions. This happened to me when I had my box approximately 4 feet to the right of where it is now.
At these distances, it is impossible to tune an EMF based field without amplifying the power output of the scalar box. The RF signal loses too much power to energize the coils if it is EMF — inverse square law.
There will be two resonant points you will find at this distance. One in the 6+ MHz region which probably will not light the LED on the transmitter, but will cause the LED on the receiver to light, and one in the 4 MHz regions.
The 6 MHz region is a harmonic scalar tune and I have not found it to be as strong as the lower tune.
The reason you can’t find a harmonic scalar tune on the boxes at standard distances of 6 to 9 feet apart is it exists above the 8 MHz top limit of the generator.

For more details, please check this link:

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