Do you use scalar remotely? Does it feel as strong as being in the Scalar field?
No, using the scalar set as a remote device feels as strong as using Spooky2Generator in remote mode. Being in the field feels much more intense. For more details, please check the link:https://www...
Can parasites organisms become resistant to scalar waves or hide in organs to escape?
1. Spooky2 Scalar helps boost your body immune system. When you look at your body as a whole, your body is able to deal with the parasites killing itself. 2. Pathogens do morph or change frequency ...
How to Know If Scalar Field Is Present When Receiver Light Is Off
When you perform scalar biofeedback scan or running Rife Scalar. The receiver light may be on, dim or even off. Because some power is lost in the digitizer and GeneratorX, the link cable becomes mo...
Is there a minimum amount of essential oil that one can place on the plate that will provide useful effects?
For molecular scalar, you really don’t need much. Just a small glass dish with even a few drops should work for you. If you want, you can find some glass stopper bottles and put a few milliliters i...
Why is the light on the receiver get brighter or dimmer when I place Scalar Harmony?
I think the coil in Scalar Harmony is inducing more energy back into the scalar field between the transmitter and receiver which is causing the receiver light to glow more brightly. The red LED on ...
When loading a few programs into the GenX pro to run on the Scalar, does the "loop" function run all loaded programs or just the active one selected? Also how is the loop feature activated?
The loop function on GX pro is for only looping the active one selected, for the next preset, you need to manually choose and then click the start button to run. You can check from this instruction...
Do the waves affect only the part of your body or whole body in the field?
The body will conduct the energy throughout the body, but the strongest exposure is to the area that is directly in the field.For more details, please check the link: https://www.facebook.com/group...
Does Spooky2 Scalar have any adverse effect on metal implants in the body?
No. Please don't worry about it. Spooky2 Scalar won't interact with the metal implants that are within your body. People with metal implants are also safe to use Spooky2 Scalar. For more informati...
Can Spooky2 Scalar help with diabetes?
If you have type 1 & 2 diabetes, your body will fail to use insulin properly. Scalar energy can improve the production of insulin and help to maintain proper sugar level in the blood. Spooky2 Sca...
Do you have to have your head towards the transmitter or the receiver for best results. If you are in a chair can you have the units on either side of you or should they be in front and behind you. Also how far apart should they be?
For scalar, The scalar field balloons out between the transmitter and receiver. If the two are far apart, the signal becomes wider. The effective height is half of the vertical distance, calc...