Can Spooky2 Scalar help relieve muscle inflammation?
Look what our users say: I’ve got remarkably good results about my complicated muscle condition for the last 2 years using Spooky2 Scalar I run my Spooky2 Scalar 24/7. I now work from home and my o...
Can Spooky2 Scalar return white hair to its normal color?
1. I have the scalar equipment since 3 months only, and have a 20 years history of insomnia… and already I sleep much much better… like a baby… also my hair is white since my I am about 30 after a ...
If it is ok to sleep on the PEMF mat while in the Spooky scalar field?
Yes, you can do that. Look what our customers say: 1. Do it every night except when its hot no Mira Mate. 2. I have 2 Big Magics, sleep on them every night. Scalar is always on. 3. Yes, it is fine...
My understanding to date about scalar energy is it does what it does best - healing the body. So, why employ other Modalities other than pure scalar?
Yes, scalar energy can be enough. It infuses your body with energy. Sometimes that's all that's needed, but not always. There may be more that can be done using frequencies. Scalar is the transmiss...
How long can a cat stay in the scalar field? Same as people?
Yes. Cats or other animals can also stay in the scalar field for a long time. Please don't worry about it. Normally it’s suggested to run Scalar for at least 1 hour during the day. Cats can also u...
Can Spooky2 Scalar help with breast cancer?
Yes. You can try Spooky2 Scalar to help with breast cancer. For pure scalar, you can enjoy overnight treatment to get the benefits of the healing scalar energy. For molecular scalar, you can put so...
I'm troubled by insomnia, can Spooky2 Scalar help me?
Yes. Insomnia can be caused by psychiatric and medical conditions like depression, anxiety, chronic pain and etc. Medications such as those taken for the common cold and nasal allergies, high blood...
Should one have to take off all their silver and gold jewellery when in the scalar field ? Or will the properties of gold and silver have a positive effect in the scalar field ?
The scalar field is unaffected by the metal, only the link cable and the scalar unit can. The jewelry is fine and it is ok to leave it on during the treatment. It doesn't affect the field, or the e...
What has the spooky scalar helped you with?
1. My hair is returning to its natural color (it was silver white), I have much more strength and energy, when I start getting a cold I put vitamin c on the receiver plate and sleep with it…i bounc...
Is it normal that the receiver lights up even without pushing the button? Have you ever met this situation?
When the receiver light has an external force, such as putting your hand over the receiver button, the light may be on even if you don't press the button. And when your hand moves, the brightness o...