Why somebody has migraines with aura after using Spooky2 Scalar? What to do for that?

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1. It is possible that you have an imbalance in your body, and the body is trying to correct itself within the scalar field. I recommend you to listen to your body, and start slow. If you do not feel well, you can stop for a while.

2. Different people may have different reactions at the beginning of using Spooky2 Scalar. For the situation you mentioned, we would like to recommend you to drink plenty of pure water. Ideally, you should drink six to eight pints a day, half of it before noon. The water flushes toxins and dead organisms out of your body more quickly, and it improves your electrical conductivity.  If you have Spooky2 generator, you can run detox programs using Spooky2 Scalar to help take the unwanted stuff out of your body. You can find more details from here: https://spooky2scalar.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/15551069391643-How-to-run-a-detox-program-with-Spooky2-Scalar-using-Spooky2-GeneratorX-Pro- 

And you could shorten the treatment time daily. When you get used to the device, you can gradually extend the treatment time. 


For more details, please check the link:

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