Any experiences with the scalar and running solfeggio frequencies?

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1. I have been running the solfeggio frequencies on the scalar and I can definitely feel something that I have truly never experienced before. There’s a feeling of deep connection with the divine within us. I play ambient music at the same time and it seems to enhance these feelings.

2. I feel very relaxed, and inspired.

3. I also feel a very refined and “divine” energy when playing those frequencies on scalar.

4. I use my generator running 7.83 hertz inside the scalar field or hold shungite wands in contact mode inside the generator and feel added benefits for sure. I haven’t tried solfeggio frequencies yet but have run the scalar colloidal gold simultaneously and have felt a difference. Also I charge and leave my Ormus inside the field to keep it positively charged which helps a lot. Zero depression or negative thoughts while sleeping in the scalar field is what I really find is fascinating and worth its weight in gold.

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