Which is suitable to the Spooky2 Scalar, XM or GeneratorX Pro?

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There are three different ways to apply Scalar fields using Spooky2 Scalar: Pure Scalar, Molecular Scalar, and Rife Scalar. For running pure scalar and molecular scalar mode, you just need Spooky2 Scalar without a generator. For running Rife scalar mode, then a generator is needed. Both XM Generator and GeneratorX Pro are OK.

Besides transmitting healing scalar energy to your body, Spooky2 Scalar can also do biofeedback scans to find the most suitable frequencies for your body. Scalar biofeedback requires the use of two generators. GeneratorX Pro is two generators in one. G2 modulates the Scalar field, and G1 measures the response.

Spooky2 Scalar GX Pro Essential Kit provides a full scalar system for the healing scalar energy and scalar biofeedback scan.

For more information about Spooky2 Scalar, please click these links:






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