I view the Spooky2 Scalar as a complimentary device. The following is my view and not everyone will agree.
The generators (XM/GX) generate a frequency that can be delivered using active energy (contact/plasma) or via an information field (remote) to the body. Those frequencies are actively trying to target pathogenic factors in most cases.
The body is what heals, not the frequencies. By removing pathogenic factors, we reduce the load on the body and give it a chance to do what it does best.
We can also send in entrainment frequencies to help the body restore proper function to processes that are governed by a cycle. Much of what the body does, runs to its own beat. When the timing gets off disease can manifest — perhaps we were too close to a constant signal like the 50/60 Hz hum of AC lines for example.
Then we have additional accessories we can add like the Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies (PEMF) or Cold Laser. The Cold Laser works primarily by the light that it generates (650 nm) and a frequency behind it is auxiliary. Perhaps the Cold Laser is restructuring the blood and this is the primary means that it does its work by. PEMF can add energy back to the cells, which gives it the energy needed to do work and heal.
There usually is more than one factor that the body may need to address, or need help with, in order to achieve the goal of restoring health.
Plasma is in a special category in that it generates more than one type of energy field — electric, magnetic, etc. The near field also produces a scalar field. We know that the near field is the most effective, and so the question “is the scalar field responsible for the increase efficacy” has been asked. We know that plasma can be effective via the far field alone, so the other active fields do work and it is not just the scalar field that makes plasma go.
The question regarding the scalar field, which is also employed by the remotes, is partially responsible for the manifestation of the Spooky2 Scalar device.
Scalar produces a field that is both energizing and restorative to the body. On its own, it has the potential to do much for the body. Some researchers attribute the scalar field to be life energy itself. Some reports suggest that it raises overall cell energy to optimal levels, aligns the energy centers of the body, and synchronizes the hemispheres of the brain.
If the body has been fighting a pathogenic war for so long, that after removal of the pathogenic factors, it has no energy left, one may find it hard to heal even after removing the initial cause of the problem.
We cant stick ourselves into a remote, and there’s no telling if any of the benefits of a scalar field actually are realized when it is used with Quantum Entanglement (QE) methods to transfer information to the body.
With the Spooky2 Scalar, John has upped the game by providing 3 methods of application that can be mixed and matched as one sees fit.
You can use the field by itself without any augmentation. This field has restorative properties by itself.
You can add the information of an actual substance to the field. This is an analog process, so nothing is lost in translation. You do not get a single frequency that describes the overall vibration of the substance, but instead you get the whole “song” of the substance. This method is very powerful and is superior to the calculated single frequencies we use today.
You can also add frequencies to the field with a generator, bringing the methods of Rife over to the scalar field. Instead of using a remote and sending that information to your body via QE, you can deliver the frequencies directly to the entire body.
Only time will tell what methods produce the better results, and I suspect since all of us are different, and many causes can result in the same issues or at the very minimum the same symptomatic issues, that everyone will find answers that vary from each other.
I look at it as an additional tool to help the body fight a war. It covers aspects that the other methods do not necessarily address. Use of all the above tools at the same time can be done.
I’m even tracking whether or not the use of the other methods are more effective when in the scalar field. So far I’ve had indication that this may be the case.
Also to ensure that I answered all your questions, let me elaborate on a few points directly from your question.
The XM and GX are both the same in terms of being a frequency generator. The GX affords one with more capabilities like a higher native frequency limit, a hardware gate, and the current/angle biofeedback method.
Spooky2 Scalar when used with frequencies works with the same frequencies. You will need either an XM or GX to provide those frequencies to the Spooky2 Scalar device.
You didn’t use scalar energy directly when you used the remote, but the remote does create a scalar field. The natural QE aspects of DNA can work with that scalar field to communicate information to the body. In fact, you could place DNA near the plasma tube/Phanotron to get it into the scalar field, and send frequencies to the body remotely as well.
For more details, please check the link:
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