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Spooky2 Scalar
Rife Scalar
Rife Scalar
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There is a frequency generator in Spooky2 Scalar. What is its function?
How to use Spooky2 generator to drive Spooky2 Scalar?
Is using Spooky2 Scalar with Spooky2 generator better than using it standalone?
How to load an 8 Hz frequency into my Gen X so that I can put it into my Scalar treatment?
I have understood that Scalar can also function as a large remote unit. In such a case, where should we place the DNA sample? Also, would using such “Scalar remote” have any advantages over using the regular Spooky2 remote attached to a generator?
Can biofeedbacks be performed while in the scalar field? Can cold laser, remote, etc, be done at the same time?
What is the frequency range for Rife treatments using a connected generator?
When connecting the Spooky2-XM to the Scalar device and running a program from the software , is it necessary to choose Scalar preset to make program more effective?
Is there any protection for Spooky2 Scalar? Can a piece of metal (electrode) be put on the input coil to provide homeopathic input without damaging Scalar?
Which is suitable to the Spooky2 Scalar, XM or GeneratorX Pro?
How to connect XM Generator to the Spooky2 Scalar?
I bought Spooky2 Scalar and GX with kit. Should I first use Detox using GX via Scalar or as stand alone via remote or contact?
How to run Lyme protocol on scalar?
What preset I would use on the scalar if using my XM generator? Is the generator intended for output 1 or 2 to go to the scalar device?
Do a compare between Scalar Rife mode and Plasma/Phanotron only –and not Pure Scalar or Molecular Scalar modes. And, only in the context of applying devitalizing frequencies (MORs) to strong, large pathogens.
Can I run Rife frequencies modulation to Scalar on G1 of GeneratorX Pro and different frequencies on Remote mode on G2 of GeneratorX Pro?
Should the frequency of the program on my GX window be the same as the frequency on the transmitter box window?
Am I understanding correctly that GenX will house all rife frequency databases or does each program have to be uploaded each time it is needed?
Can I load the Schumann Resonator preset into GX to use stand alone with Spooky2 Scalar?
Is it safe to use frequency wobble when using rife scalar?
Any experiences with the scalar and running solfeggio frequencies?
Is connecting GX to Scalar work in the same way as the Rife machine?
Can we utilize the GX to deliver TENS therapy at specific frequencies matched to the Rife frequencies while in the Scalar Field?
When applying frequency to scalar using a computer connected to a generator, I wonder if using frequency wobble will work?
How to delay the start when I launch the Scalar terrain protocol preset?
Is there a ‘program’ or single frequency e.g. 5 megahertz that can be fired into the generator/remote to simulate pure unmodified scalar energy?
Can I run Solfeggio frequencies through Scalar in conjunction with using Scalar Harmony at the same time?
How can Spooky2 Scalar reach high frequencies (1,600,000hz) with 50,000hz frequency limits?
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