- How to run a detox program with Spooky2 Scalar using Spooky2 GeneratorX Pro?
- Is Rife Scalar the same power/effectiveness as Plasma or more?
- When loading a few programs into the GenX pro to run on the Scalar, does the "loop" function run all loaded programs or just the active one selected? Also how is the loop feature activated?
- Can we run DH Preset using Spooky2 Scalar?
- What is the difference between rife frequency and scalar wave healing?
- Could someone clarify if it is ok to set up Scalar in a general room with several people to run more general programs such as chakra balancing or energy?
- How to Load the Program and Run GeneratorX Pro Standalone?
- Why can't GX pro be in the scalar field?
- Can you put more than one program into one preset on the GX Pro?
- I hooked up my GenX to my scalar device. But when I started the Spooky2 program, it found 100 generators, which I didn’t know which to choose.
- How to modify a preset for remote to make it work for scalar?
- Is there a way of getting all 3 presets to run one after the other? Do I have to amalgamate all 3 presets into one program?
- Can you run plasma preset in Spooky2 Scalar? What are the benefits of running the Remote preset in the scalar please?
- I’m trying to load a couple of the sleep programs into my GX and use it with my scalar. But this program contains frequency sweep. Aborting.
- Does Scalar continue to work when the Eyesight I am running is stopped by default?
- My girlfriend is suffering from shakes(essential tremors). What frequency would I use to focus on the olivary nucleus?
- Are all these frequencies working along with the Scalar whether it blinks and title bar moves or not?
- When I run my GX with Scalar, the tuning lights go out. They come back on when I turn off GX. It says this can happen due to grounding?
- What’s the point of the different frequencies for programs? What’s the difference between a frequency of 50 and 900?
- Do you know if you can be hooked up to a GenX and run killing programs ( through TENs pads) while sitting in the scalar field?
- Would I be able to use scalar just with XM or I need some extra cables to connect it to Generator XM?
- How do I put frequencies to run in the scalar?
- Are there any frequencies for eye autoimmune disorder?
- Is it better to use the Spooky2 Boost v3.1 with the Generator X when using rife programs with Scalar unit via BNC cables?
- Will frequencies above 2 MHz be distorted when running through Scalar?
- What the initial frequency range was? Is there any danger in scanning lower frequencies?
- Can I run 2 Generators or just Gen X, receiving 2 different frequencies through Scalar?
- Is the RF frequency from a scalar unit the same type of RF Frequency that comes off a cell phone?
- Are there any successful withdrawal frequency especially for heroin?
- Should I use the Spooky2 Boost to drive the input to the scalar when running in rife mode? Or which output of the GX should I use?